Texas 2022 – All issues
Here we list all issues we did research on and found at least one position. This list is not exhaustive. We only list one source, but there are or may be more on the issue.
Please keep in mind:
– There is no guarantee the nominees will be able to keep their campaign promises.
– Some of these source are very old – and nominees may have changed positions over time.
The issues below are categorized. The categories are the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
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Retired teachers
O'Rourke: Beto for retired teachers! Our retired teachers haven’t received a cost-of-living adjustment since 2004. That changes when we win. (twitter.com, Aug 06, 2022)
Veterans homelessness
O'Rourke: I will prioritize efforts to end veteran homelessness in Texas by the end of my first year in office. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
How to address the nursing shortage?
O'Rourke: we will launch the Texas Nursing Jobs Plan to fully cover the education and training of 7,500 new nurses a year in return for their service to our communities. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Reduce the maternal mortality rate
O'Rourke: I will also support healthy babies and combat Texas’ maternal mortality crisis (betoorourke.com, 2022)
STEM cell research
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Medicaid health care coverage post-partum
O'Rourke: at least one year (twitter.com, Jul 20, 2022)
Affordable Insulin
O'Rourke: we'll expand Medicaid and ensure every Texan can see a doctor and afford their prescriptions. (twitter.com, Mar 14, 2022)
Mandatory Covid-19 vaccination
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Mask mandate for public transportation
O'Rourke: Beto O’Rourke said Wednesday that he would respond to the new variant by getting out of the way of schools and businesses that want to mandate masks and vaccines. (dallasnews.com, Dec 02, 2021)
Mask mandate for schools
O'Rourke: Work with your Texas school district to ensure they follow all CDC guidelines, including requiring masks in schools. (twitter.com, Sep 04, 2021)
Mental health care for veterans
O'Rourke: I authored and passed legislation that expanded access to VA mental health care to veterans with other-than-honorable discharges, granted every separating service member access to a mental health screening. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Medical marijuana for veterans
O'Rourke: expand access to medical marijuana and other alternatives to harmful opioids (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Health care in rural communities
O'Rourke: I will expand Medicaid to help keep rural hospitals open and ensure no Texan has to drive hundreds of miles just to see a doctor. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Student loans
O'Rourke: I will wipe clean all of the debt of public school educators. (twitter.com, Jul 11, 2019)
Gold standard Pre-K
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Free Pre-K
O'Rourke: When I’m governor, EVERY child will have access to free (twitter.com, Apr 11, 2022)
Tuition-free college?
O'Rourke: No. I am not for free college for all (Sinsidehighered.com, Apr 15, 2019)
Leveraging Technology for Greater Access and Affordability
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Education in rural communities
O'Rourke: I will create incentive allotment programs for rural teachers and physicians to ensure rural communities can recruit and retain the very best talent. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Equal Pay
O'Rourke: I stand with all women in demanding equal pay for equal work. (twitter.com, Apr 10, 2018)
Contraception coverage mandate
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Mail-order abortion drugs.
O'Rourke: I will veto any future legislation that seeks to further control women, including Republican proposals to limit access to contraception (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Birth control
O'Rourke: I will trust Texas women to make their own health care decisions. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Interstate travel for abortion.
O'Rourke: I will veto any future legislation that seeks to further control women, including Republican proposals to [...] prevent Texans from crossing state lines to seek reproductive care (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Legalize buying sex?
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Funding for Office on Violence
O'Rourke: Increase funding for Office on Violence against Women by 10 times. (facebook.com, Aug 20, 2019)
Public breastfeeding
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Female Genital Mutilation
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Eliminate 'tampon tax'
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Equally representation of women in his Administration
O'Rourke: I signed a pledge with @lc_wins to ensure my Administration would be equally represented. (twitter.com, Jun 26, 2019)
Gas prices
O'Rourke: A roomful of cheers and applause: to gas prices going down (elpasotimes.com, Sep 02, 2022)
Reduce energy bills?
O'Rourke: We’re going to prevent energy corporations from price gouging Texans in the future and dramatically reduce Texans’ energy bills going forward. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
ESG investing
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Radioactive waste in Texas
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
The future of coal?
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Clean energy
O'Rourke: I will add to our hundreds of thousands of oil and gas jobs by pursuing the Texas labor movement’s aggressive clean energy jobs plan, which aims to create 1.1 million high-paying jobs over the next 25 years by investing in geothermal power generation, hydrogen-fueled energy, offshore wind, solar generation, energy efficiency, and more. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Fix the power grid
O'Rourke: I will fix the power grid (betoorourke.com, 2022)
O'Rourke: Here are 4 things that I'll do as governor to reduce property taxes and combat the rising inflation we're feeling (twitter.com, Apr 21, 2022)
Break up monopolies
O'Rourke: he would promote regulations on business and industry that protect consumers, promote competition and grow the economy. He supports stronger antitrust regulations to break up monopolies he says stifle competition and innovation. (elpasotimes.com, Mar 14, 2019)
Social Security
O'Rourke: it has since lifted more Americans out of poverty than any other government program. But today, it's under attack. Here's my plan to strengthen Social Security (twitter.com, Aug 14, 2019)
Toll roads
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Broadband for rural Texas
O'Rourke: I'll make the investments necessary to finally expand rural broadband so this state supports our students, teachers, farmers, small businesses, and hospitals. (twitter.com, Aug 04, 2022)
Use sites where Indigenous people were banished for tourism
O'Rourke: Respecting local stakeholders. Native communities, indigenous people, when it comes to what happens on their land or what travels underneath their land (facebook.com, Aug 20, 2019)
Affirmative action
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Equal opportunity for Texans with disabilities
O'Rourke: Texans with disabilities of all ages deserve equal opportunity to live and age in place and to achieve economic self-sufficiency in the community. (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Same-sex marriage
O'Rourke: Four years ago, marriage equality became the law of the land thanks to champions fighting day after day. We will honor that victory by committing to achieving full LGBTQ+ rights, signing the Equality Act into law, and ensuring everyone is finally treated with dignity and respect. (twitter.com, Jun 26, 2019)
Foster children for LGBTQ+ families?
O'Rourke: I don't think you can be too gay to buy a cake. I don't think you can be too gay to open your caring family to one of TX's 30,000 kids in the foster care system. Let's end this discrimination. Let's pass the Equality Act. Let's ensure equal justice under law for LGBTQ Americans. (twitter.com, Jun 4, 2018)
O'Rourke: I will enforce our pollution laws (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Local debt
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Local debt
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Invest into West Texas
O'Rourke: I'm going to make sure that the wealth those resources generate flow back to the places from which they came. (twitter.com, Dec 14, 2021)
Man-made influence on climate
O'Rourke: The climate is changing. And man-made climate change is a fact (thinkprogress.org, Oct 17, 2018)
Animal Rights: Ban rodeo?
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Safe Outdoor Dogs Act
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
George Floyd
O'Rourke: There will be no justice for George Floyd until all of his killers are tried & convicted. No justice until police are held accountable for murdering those they are sworn to serve & protect, everywhere in this country. No justice until all Americans are truly equal under the law. (twitter.com. May 30, 2020)
US Army in Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen?
O'Rourke: I will end the War in Afghanistan, but also bring our service-members home from Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen. We don’t need war to solve these challenges. We can do it with diplomacy. (twitter.com, Jul 31, 2019)
NRA and tax-exempt status
O'Rourke: The NRA should lose its tax-exempt status. (twitter.com, Sep 27, 2019)
Weapons for Ukraine?
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Convention of States to restore Constitution
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Expand the Supreme Court
O'Rourke: he floated the idea of having as many as 15 judges (foxnews.com, Mar 15, 2019)
Data Collection
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
DNA rights
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
End private prisons
O'Rourke: Let’s end cash bail, private prisons, and the war on drugs. (Source: twitter.com, Mar 30, 2019)
End cash bail
O'Rourke: Now would be a great time to END CASH BAIL. (twitter.com, Mar 31, 2020)
Free Assange?
O'Rourke: We do not treat the press as the enemy of the people. [...] I am really concerned about the close connection between WikiLeaks and the Russian Security Services. (youtube.com, Sep 07, 2019)
Kyle Rittenhouse
O'Rourke: This sets a very dangerous precedent that a young man, in fact a 17-year-old, could carry a weapon originally designed for battlefield use out on the streets of a community and can shoot a number of people killing, two of them, and be able to get off completely scot-free (dallasnews.com, Nov 19, 2021)
Voting rights for prisoners
O'Rourke: I would think especially for non-violent offenders that we rethink removing the right to vote (cnn.com, Apr 24, 2019)
O'Rourke: I'm co-sponsoring NSA oversight bill -- we shouldn't be spying on Americans. (twitter.com, Jun 15, 2013)
Strengthen forensic services
O'Rourke: I will strengthen forensic services (Source: betoorourke.com, 2022)
Rape kit backlog
O'Rourke: I will [...] end Texas’ rape kit backlog (betoorourke.com, 2022)
Texas Military Forces
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Process
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Legal Services for Veterans: Enhance state grants
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Legal Services for Veterans: Enhance state grants
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
O'Rourke: Questioning U.S. commitment to NATO most reckless thing yet. Puts U.S. service members in Europe -already in harms way - at greater risk. (twitter.com, Jan 17, 2017)
No boycott of Israel law
O'Rourke: [No information about position]
Israel: two-state solution
O'Rourke: He went on to endorse a two-state solution to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. (cnn.com, Apr 8, 2019)
Israel: Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem
O'Rourke: This policy on the part of the president, this decision he made to move the embassy, was absolutely, unnecessarily provocative. (jewishvirtuallibrary.org, 2020)
Keep Texas a no-income-tax state
O'Rourke: One of my top priorities will be to bring down costs for small businesses by keeping Texas a no-income-tax state (betoorourke.com, 2022)
War Tax
O'Rourke: Beto O’Rourke on Monday called for Congress to enact a “war tax” any time the country goes to war, with the proceeds going to care for veterans of the conflict. (politico.com, Jun 24, 2019)
Consumption Tax
O'Rourke: [No information about position]